Friday 3 April 2020

Queensland Tourism operations during COVID-19

Queensland’s Chief Health Officer is issuing health directions to contain, or respond to, the spread of COVID-19 within the community. The directions are being issued and updated regularly, and it is important that Queensland’s businesses heed the directions outlined.
  • Above all, a Home Confinement Direction has been issued for Queensland, legislating a restriction on all people in Queensland from leaving their home except for permitted, essential reasons (such as to obtain essential goods, medical appointments or essential work).
  • Directions have been issued restricting the operation of non-essential businesses and mass gatherings. Businesses should be clear on the details and exemptions listed in these directions, while keeping the home confinement direction as the main guide. Now is not the time to travel, or encourage travel, other than for essential reasons.
  • People travelling back home (e.g. in a caravan) are permitted to stay in accommodation, with social distancing observed, as they safely expedite their journey to their residence.
  • Essential workers may stay in accommodation in order to complete essential work (e.g. emergency services or essential infrastructure workers)

TEQ’s dedicated COVID-19 webpage is updated daily with links to official directions and information, and we urge business owners to ensure they consider all directions in conjunction with each other. If you are still confused or concerned, or would like to be considered for quarantine accommodation, you are urged to contact your Destination Director at TEQ.

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