Sunday 3 April 2016


Tulip Fairs are usually famous in western countries like Netherlands, North America and Canada, but there are places here in Japan that held Tulip Fairs too. 

And one of the famous one here in Chubu Region is the Tonami Tulip Fair in Toyama Prefecture which is held every year (during Golden Week) and is nationally recognized. 

The Tonami Tulip Fair consists of 450 kinds of different tulips, which is over one hundred thousand tulips all in all. Tonami Tulip Fair isn't just a park field with tulips; there's the "Tulip Tower." 

You can see the big mosaic made out of tulips and the panoramic view of the fair from there. Aside from that, the "Tapie de Fleur" (carpet of tulips) is also a must-see.

★URL…/tulip/muchu/index.html (Japanese)

Tulip Park: Free
Tulip Shikisai Hall: Adults 310 yen, senior 250 yen, children 150 yen

From Nagoya Station, take the Shirasagi Express train bound for Takaoka Station (about 3 hours and 20 minutes.). From Toyama Station, take the train on Jonan Line for Tonami Station (about 20 minutes). There's a free shuttle bus that goes straight to the fair.

Photos & report by Monica E. Doble

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