Saturday 5 September 2015


NSW remains the undisputed number one destination in Australia, with a record 3.3 million international visitors in the last year, according to new independent data released this week. Minister for Trade, Tourism and Major Events Stuart Ayres said the latest data showed a number of popular events including this year’s Vivid Sydney Festival created record volumes of international visitors, nights stayed and expenditure.

“NSW received more than 3.3 million visitors who stayed a total of 79.7 million nights, with visitor expenditure hitting a record $7.7 billion.” Mr Ayres said.

“Importantly, we continue to see significant increases in visitor numbers, with a six per cent rise compared to the year ended June 2014. Our visitors also spent 10.3 per cent more than a year ago and stayed almost six per cent more nights. New South Wales is clearly number one.”

The second highest state, Victoria, recorded 2.27 million international visitors, ahead of Queensland with 2.23 million visitor, both 1 million less than New South Wales.

During the last quarter NSW held Vivid Sydney, the world’s largest festival of light, music and ideas, owned and managed by Destination NSW, attracting a record 1.7 million attendees.

Mr Ayres said over 26,000 visitors came to Sydney for Vivid on international travel packages, with more than 11,000 packages sold in China alone. There was also a 39 per cent increase in Vivid packages from Korea, 57 per cent from Singapore and 64 per cent from USA.

Other popular events attracting significant visitor numbers included the recent Chelsea and Tottenham matches in Sydney against Sydney FC, generating more than $16 million for the NSW economy in visitor expenditure, attracting tourists from around Australia and the globe.

There was significant growth in visitors to Regional NSW reaching 673,900 visitors, an increase of 9.6 per cent over the year.

Five regions posted significant growth in visitor numbers: North Coast (292,300 visitors, +9.3 per cent), Hunter (164,300, +14.5 per cent), Blue Mountains (99,500, +18.3 per cent), South Coast (124,800, +12.3 per cent) and Outback NSW (13,300, +49.1 per cent).

These strong regional results were partly due to the successful combination of digital and traditional Destination NSW campaigns undertaken with partners in the international markets during the year that included showcasing the Hunter Valley, Port Stephens, Blue Mountains, South Coast, the Legendary Pacific Coast and the Outback.

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