Friday 8 May 2015

The Rocky Horror Show - It's astounding... Time is fleeting... Madness takes it's toll...

The Rocky Horror Show made its first appearance on stage on 1973 and came to Australian stages in 1974. It was then made into a cult classic movie in 1975 starring Tim Curry and Susan Sarandon.

The Rocky Horror Show draws its inspiration from B-grade science fiction and shock horror films of the 50's and 60's. It is not to be taken too seriously.

In this production of The Rocky Horror Show Stephen Mahy and Amy Lehpamer play the young clean cut lovebirds Brad and Janet. They take a car trip but they get a flat tyre on an abandoned country road and are stuck in a bad storm. They remember passing a castle, so they decide to walk to it to use the telephone for help.

They are met at the door by Kristian Lavercombe who plays the caretaker, Riff Raff. He invites them into this eerie castle with its weird inhabitants.

The star of the show is Craig McLachlan who plays the transvestite Frank-N-Furter. He stands out on stage dressed in his black corset, high-heels and fishnets. He has a good singing voice, but unfortunately I did not understand the words of his first song. The words were not distinct and just ran into each other smothered by the loud music. His ad libs were hilarious, though at times I felt they were just well scripted ad libs and not spontaneous ones.

Brendan Irving plays Rocky, the muscular creation of Frank-N-Furter’s science lab. 

Bert Newton steps on the stage in yet another musical appearance for him, this time as the narrator. It is good to see that he still has all the wit and charm he always had.

Brad and Janet are transformed from their simple innocence in their first car scene to their new selves at the end of the show. This transformation is more effective with Janet, as Brad perhaps starts off a bit too worldly and good looking to begin with.

The acting, choreography, singing, music, sets, lighting, of The Rocky Horror Show are all good.  They all help make it a fun show to see. It is not serious drama, but comic book hilarity.

Several well known songs are featured on The Rocky Horror Show, including  “Time Warp”, “Sweet Transvestite”, “Touch-a Touch-a Touch Me” and “Science Fiction/Double Feature”.  Everyone knows the simple moves to the "Time Warp", so I was half expecting everyone in the audience to get up and do them during the song. However, at the performance I attended, this did not happen. Maybe it happens at other performances. I felt that this was partly due to Bert not engaging the audience when giving the dance step instructions. He tended to just say the scripted lines and not speak directly to the audience to enthuse them to get up and dance.

     "Let's do the Time Warp again.
     It's just a jump to the left.
     And then a step to the right.
     With your hand on your hips.
     You bring your knees in tight."

The sets of The Rocky Horror Show look good. The mood is set even before the show starts with the glitzy curtain appearing ripped in tatters in one corner. The curtain opens to reveal a scrolling film around the top of the stage. The band sits elevated above this film. Various scenes of The Rocky Horror Show are highlighted with pieces like Brad and Janet's car, the castle interior and the science lab.  

This production of The Rocky Horror Show is a fun show to see. It is camp, glitzy and hilariously funny. Way back in the 70's the show had a huge shock horror impact due to its very sexy content. Time has moved on since then, so some of the show seems a bit dated due to there being a more enlightened community acceptance of once taboo areas. However, some people may still feel the show is not suitable for viewing by younger people due to its sexual humour. 

My only disappointment with The Rocky Horror Show was not with the cast, but with the audience. I had heard that Rocky Horror Show was famous for the funny interjections yelled out from the audience. Alas, this audience participation did not happen at the performance I attended.

The best part of the show was during the singing of the reprise after the curtain call.  The cast seemed to relax and enjoy themselves - perhaps they were all trying too hard during the show.

If you want a fun night out to forget about your worries and cares, then make sure you get together with a group of your friends and see The Rocky Horror Show  - It's astounding... Time is fleeting... Madness takes it's toll...

The Rocky Horror Show plays at Sydney’s Lyric Theatre until June 7 and then plays Melbourne’s Comedy Theatre from June 11.  


For more information and tickets please visit:

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