Thursday 1 January 2015

2014 the Best Ever Year for Melbourne's Windsor Hotel

David Perry
Melbourne's Hotel Windsor has enjoyed a stellar 2014.

The renowned hotel, named Australasia's Leading Hotel in the recent World Travel Awards, is finishing the year with occupancy sitting above 93 per cent.

Hotel Windsor CEO David Perry said 2014 was the Windsor's strongest in the hotel's 132-year history.

He said the results were due to strongly localised revenue management and a consistent emphasis on superior service.

"An average occupancy rate of 93.25 per cent across the year is remarkable," Mr Perry said. “Last year was the hotel's previous busiest and saw occupancy sitting at 88.21%.”

"A key contributor to the success is that our revenue and reservations planning and management sits in the hotel in Melbourne. For most other hotels these functions are now handled interstate or overseas and that results in a narrow numbers-driven perspective. At the Windsor, we know the local market intimately, we know what works and what attracts demand, and we are able to manage our inventory to take best advantage of that demand, especially during peak periods."

Mr Perry said the hotel also outperformed competitors in the crucial area of guest service.

"It is impossible for a hotel to be this busy and fully booked most nights of the year unless it consistently delivers impeccable service and that is what the Windsor team strives to do," he said.

"Global travel surveys have shown, time and again, that guests place a premium value on service quality. Innovation and understanding the needs of today's traveller is vital. Leisure travellers are looking for great deals, value and experiences and they'll adapt their travel dates to suit what's on offer."

Mr Perry said Melbourne's busy events schedule, growth in the number of international air carriers to Melbourne and strong bipartisan political support for a dynamic local tourism industry over the years were all contributing to a healthy hotel sector.

"Thanks to almost 20 years of consistent State-wide tourism development with broad industry support, the message to all hotel operators today is that there is no longer a quiet season, week or day provided you have an in-depth understanding of what is happening in the Melbourne market."

Mr Perry said the first quarter of 2015 is also looking particularly strong. With a jam-packed schedule of festivals and major international sporting events set for Melbourne over the first three months of the year, he said occupancy levels at the Windsor would remain well above 90 per cent.

The Windsor celebrated s 130th anniversary in 2013. Built in 1883, the 180-room hotel pre-dates the Savoy in London, which was built in 1889, the Waldorf Astoria in New York which dates back to 1893, and the Ritz Paris which opened in 1898.

For details about the hotel visit

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