Saturday 3 August 2013

World Youth & Student Travel Conference to Focus on Technology Revolutionizing Student Travel

World Youth & Student Travel Conference will celebrate success for tech-firms that have made a particular contribution to the travel industry with the popular App Yap competition and an award for The Best B2B Tech Product.

To be held from September 17-20, 2013 in Sydney, Australia, the theme for this year’s WYSTC is technology and the ways in which it is revolutionizing the world of youth and student travel.

With a whole host of educational seminars, practical workshops and dedicated zones in the WYSTC Trade Hall for tech companies to exhibit, WYSTC 2013 is fully orientated to help organisations of all sizes understand which diverse types of software, hardware and device can help boost their business.

WYSE Travel Confederation’s latest New Horizons III survey of global young consumer travel behaviour among the 34,000+ survey respondents revealed that after price, the ability to book via mobile/smartphone was the greatest factor for selecting which travel product or service to book. Also, it showed that over 70% of young consumers consulted destination and user review sites prior to departure. In the last five years the range of communication methods used while on the road has increased vastly, with social media surging ahead of the rest.

In light of these figures there has been a natural increase in the number of businesses looking to learn about and trade in tech products at WYSTC.

Responding to this, WYSE Travel Confederation has put together a comprehensive programme that includes dedicated seminars on social media management, migrating from the PC to the smartphone and juggling the demands of social networks, search engines and user review sites. A further addition to the WYSE-Tech series includes a range of ‘Tech Tables’ in which presenters will share their own experience of making tech work for their business and will be on hand to give participants helpful advice on how to improve their own strategy, whether it’s for dealing with major online booking agents or just managing their social media accounts more effectively.

A dedicated Think Tank will bring together the major players to discuss where technology may be taking the industry next.

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