Sunday 12 November 2023

Fasnacht : Carnival in Basel

Fasnacht : Carnival in Basel 
Switzerland 19 to 21 February 2024 

Basel goes wild for exactly 72 hours at the end of February. 

The Carnival in Basel, which is on the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List, starts 4.00am sharp on Monday19 February 2024 and ends 72 hours later. 

Fasnacht is the name for the pre-Lent carnivals in Switzerland, southern Germany, Alsace and western Austria. 

While Fasnacht celebrations coincide with the pre-lent, pre-fasting period in the Catholic cities, towns and villages of Switzerland, in Protestant Basel they take place one week later. 


The cliques and Guggenmusik players march in the cortège, with the parade following a set route through the city centre. 

The Waggis on the floats distribute flowers and oranges along with other small treats, mostly food and drink. 


The Morgenstreich sees illuminated lanterns paraded through the town by costumed revellers with drums and piccolos. 

Throughout Fasnacht, Basel’s historic old town becomes the domain of the 18,000Fasnachtler who, in their Cliques and Gugge bands, march and perform pretty much as, when and where the mood takes them. 

The Museum der Kulturen Basel presents a colourful cross section of the Carnival in Basel, displays of costumes and lanterns, masks and musical instruments and historical documents. 
* Isidora Rudolph at

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