Tuesday 12 July 2022

Colombia’s first butterfly guide

Scientists in the second most-biodiverse country in the world, have documented Colombia’s 200+ species of endemic butterflies for the first time. 

Columbia is home to a fifth of the world’s entire butterfly population? 

The initiative has been achieved with the support of ProColombia and the Natural History Museum. 

The female-led team has been working on the project since 2018, with Dr Blanca Huertas, Yenny Correa Carmona (and Jean Francois Le Crom originally seeking to produce a list of the most vulnerable butterfly species in Colombia, before expanding the project to endemic butterflies. 

This guide will be made freely available, with the hope that it will form the basis for a range of, environmentally-conscious, butterfly experiences within the Colombia. 

The 240-page guide will include images of museum and live specimens, maps and facts for all of the almost 200 butterflies that live exclusively in Colombia. 

To download the guide : https://naturalhistorymuseummy.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/b_huerta s_nhm_ac_uk/EZcQdoplBfBJleiujoNaT3YB yvTBWeV5wp1fcP0Kp6VkMw?e=CAotVx 

Susie Hollier at shollier@hillsbalfour.com

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