Monday 1 June 2020


Destination NSW will host a free Digital Marketing Tips - Love NSW webinar on 4 June to help businesses increase their online customer engagement.

The webinar, presented by Destination NSW’s General Manager Marketing Jan Hutton, will provide valuable tips and insights on how a tourism business can boost its digital marketing and social media presence.

Participants will also find out how to get involved in the Now’s The Time To Love NSW statewide marketing campaign as it moves into the next phase as regional travel resumes in NSW from Monday.

This webinar will include a Q&A session and delve into the following key areas:
  • Discover practical ways to promote a tourism business online and what makes great content
  • Get tips for creating and using inspiring images and video online, and tapping into social media channels
  • Find out how to add, review or update a free tourism product listing on
  • Learn how to get involved in the Love NSW statewide marketing campaign

The event is presented by Destination NSW as part of the NSW First Program, designed to assist tourism businesses to develop, promote and sell tourism products and experiences. Register for the webinar now.

NSW First has also released a new Quick Tips downloadable resource for businesses - how to shoot video. The guide was developed by Destination NSW video content producer Luke McDonagh to provide operators with handy tips to self-shoot video to achieve maximum results. The resource outlines simple tricks and tips that will significantly increase the production quality of videos through the use of tools, framing, lighting, audio and the context of shooting for social media.

*Destination NSW

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