Saturday 9 May 2020


Safe Work Australia has developed specialised industry guidelines and information across 23 sectors to assist businesses return to work in a COVID-19-safe environment.

National Cabinet yesterday encouraged businesses to be prepared for reopening, to protect their workers and protect their business. It advised that Safe Work Australia would be the single source of information, allowing businesses to plan future operations with confidence and consistency.

Safe Work Australia’s specialised COVID-19 website provides important information for industries including hospitality, retail, taxi and rideshare and public transport that addresses:
  • Duties under WHS laws
  • Risk assessment
  • COVID-19 in your workplace
  • Health monitoring
  • Physical distancing
  • Hygiene and cleaning
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and more.

There is also a Resource Kit featuring downloadable fact sheets, posters, infographics and guidance materials for businesses to use in the workplace such as a social distancing checklist, incident notification processes and ‘5 things to do in your workplace’.

As the Australian and NSW Governments review current restrictions, businesses are encouraged to review the Safe Work Australia guidelines that apply to their own operations and consider any new measures that should be adopted ahead of reopening.

Destination NSW

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