Wednesday 8 April 2020


The NSW Government is calling on all residents to stay at home this Easter and to cancel any holidays or day trips to regional NSW.

Premier Gladys Berejiklian, Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional NSW John Barilaro, Minister for Tourism Stuart Ayres, NSW Health and NSW Police have advised that leisure travel, including to visit family, is not permitted at this time and could increase the risk for regional communities in terms of coronavirus.

People are being asked to remain within their own communities, and to only leave the house to shop for essentials, for medical reasons, for work or education where this is not possible at home, and for exercise.

Tourism businesses are asked to be sensitive and sensible in supporting the community to follow this direction by working with customers to postpone or cancel their trip.

Accommodation providers, including short-term rental accommodation, are advised there is no ban restricting them from operating at this time to support essential workers including medical staff or to facilitate self-isolation requirements.

For full details and latest Government Orders, go to

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