Wednesday 15 April 2020


Despite most of the world being in lock down or isolation, the NSW tourism industry continues to ensure Sydney and regional NSW remain top of mind.

With people already planning their next holiday post COVID-19, many operators are enticing travellers to experience, dream or be entertained from the comfort of home:
  • Bundyi Cultural Tours: Professional guide and proud Wiradjuri man, Mark Saddler, has developed virtual cultural programs to continue to educate students, teachers and businesses. The virtual program is delivered via a live web cam direct into viewers homes, offices and schools.
  • Newcastle Writers Festival: This is the first major literary festival to turn to online program delivery in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Festival Director, Rosemarie Milsom has mobilised writers to take their stories and experiences directly into people's homes.
  • Golden Gully: The edgy bar in Sydney’s inner west has renamed its bar to ‘Virtual Gully’. As well as delivering bespoke cocktails and offering a Netflix + Wine pick-up pack (for Sydneysiders only, sorry), customers can enjoy a private one-hour session where they’ll learn mixology tips and have the opportunity to ask questions about wine, beer and spirits. Virtual Gully is open 5-9pm, Wednesday to Sunday.

Destination NSW will continue to feature innovative businesses and attractions in each edition of Insights to inspire other tourism operators to engage with the community online. If your business has a virtual tour or online experience you’d like to share with the thousands of readers of Insights, please email

If you know of other experiences we’ve not promoted here, please join the movement and share them on social media using the hashtag #LoveNSW. Follow VisitNSW (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter) and Sydney (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter) for future holiday inspiration and a showcase of NSW’s best attractions and experiences.

Destination NSW

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