Tuesday 9 April 2019

Nation-leading growth in international visitors helps drive our economy

The latest International Visitor Survey statistics show nation leading growth in the number of international tourists and increased levels of visitor spending.

In the year to December 2018, Tasmania welcomed a record 308,800 international visitors, representing an 11 per cent increase on the same period the previous year with the rate of growth outstripping every state and territory.

Importantly, during the period international visitor expenditure in Tasmania has increased by 13 per cent to $549 million total expenditure, an average spend of $1,779 per visitor.

The nights stayed by international visitors also increased by six per cent to 4.91 million nights.

While we have seen continued steady visitor growth, the Government understands we must protect what is special about our way of life so it can continue to be enjoyed by locals and visitors alike.

That’s why the Tasmanian Government is investing in tourist infrastructure around the state, including $72 million in our Roads to Support Tasmania’s Visitor Economy program, and tens of millions of dollars is being spent upgrading and maintaining tourist infrastructure in National Parks and Wilderness areas.

Tourism is one of Tasmania’s great competitive strengths, supporting over 38,000 jobs in every corner of the State and is a major reason why our economy is growing so strongly. Now is not the time to put the handbrake on this vital industry.

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