Tuesday 2 February 2016

Lungs - a breath of fresh air in Melbourne

MTC favourites Kate Atkinson (The Waiting Room) and Bert LaBonté (The Mountaintop) star in the Australian premiere of Lungs, a funny, tender and profound two-hander by British writer Duncan Macmillan, directed by Clare Watson.

In IKEA - of all places - a man tentatively suggests to his partner that perhaps they should start a family, and whoosh - out pour all her pent up anxieties for the future. Proving that parenthood is not for the faint-hearted, Duncan Macmillan's charmingly honest and fascinating romance spans one long, funny conversation continued over several years of a relationship.

In these times of climate change and political upheaval, Lungs explores the anxieties faced by this generation to ask the question 'when is the right time to bring a baby into the world?'

Where: Arts Centre Melbourne, Fairfax Studio, 100 St Kilda Road, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000
When: 5 - 6 Feb 2016, 8 - 13 Feb 2016, 15 - 20 Feb 2016

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