Friday 18 October 2013

Aftermath of NSW Bush Fires

The bush fire situation has improved across NSW today, though many of the fires are still burning. Unfortunately there are many sad stories of lost homes, vehicles and possessions.

Burnt out Zig Zag Railway.
The Zig Zag tourist railway at Lithgow has unfortunately been affected by the fires.  They have suffered significant loss. The Machine Shop and the Office are burnt out. All the six Carriages stored on 'O" Road, Rail Motor 2016 and all the Accommodation Carriages are destroyed. However, all is not lost. They have enough Rolling stock to recommence services. 

Many homes, sheds, and business have been destroyed by the bush fires. Here are some pictures showing  the devastation of the fires.

Service Station destroyed, but the iconic Big Prawn remains near Nords Wharf  NSW.
Burnt car and home at Winmalee
Sydney Harbour Bridge yesterday when the fires raged
A devastating look at a street of houses reduced to rubble in Springwood

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