Friday 2 September 2022

The ultimate relaxation experience in the bath and sauna!

Rapi Spa is a spa resort in Yodoe-cho at the foot of Mt. Daisen. 

In addition to the “Patio Bath”, which is modeled after the courtyard of a European monastery, the open-air bath with a fountain, “Healing Room (Charcoal Bath)”, which uses Binchotan charcoal, and the low-pitched sauna, “Hakomushi”, where warms the body from the neck down with mist. 

There are baths such as the "garden bath" where you can take a bath while surrounded by colorful flowers. Rapi-Spa has a full-fledged barrel-shaped löyly sauna, which is secretly popular among sauna fans. Enjoy delicious soft-serve ice cream after taking a bath or sauna! 

Waku waku natural Onsen Rapi-spa 

Address:2-38 Yodoe, Yodoe-cho, Yonago-shi 
Access:3 minutes by car from Sanin Expressway Yodoe IC

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