Tuesday 6 September 2022

Major events bring visitors across the state

Fireworks, football, flowers and fashions on the field are making a bang right across Queensland this weekend, bringing almost two million people to experience four of the state’s major events for the month of September.

Queensland is attracting a range of visitors from families, footy fans and punters, in what will be the start of a bumper month of events that could be worth $63 million to Queensland's economy.

These major events will profile Queensland as a destination, bring our communities together and benefit a range of local businesses including tourism operators, cafes and restaurants, accommodation and transport providers.

This weekend’s major events kick off a bumper month of Spring events:

The packed Spring calendar follows a hugely successful kick-off of several foodie events, with the recent Moreton Bay Food and Wine Festival and the Kingaroy Baconfest attracting more than 20,000 visitors and generating $2.5 million for visitor economies.

Find out more about TEQ's event investment programs.

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