Thursday 3 February 2022

ATF 2022: Cerebrating the reopening of ASEAN tourism

On 19 January, the Ministers and Deputy Ministers of Tourism in charge of ASEAN countries performed the ceremony to celebrate the reopening of ASEAN tourism. Along with that was the announcement ceremony of the new logo of ASEAN tourism with the tagline "A Destination for Every Dream".

This is an activity within the framework of the ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) 2022 in Cambodia, right after the press conference of the ASEAN Tourism Ministers and the ASEAN Tourism Award ceremony.

ASEAN is one of the most dynamic tourism development regions in the Asia and Pacific region. All countries in the region consider tourism as a key economic sector. Up to now, after a long time responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, the tourism industry of ASEAN countries has been preparing for reopening and stimulating international tourism.

The ceremony to celebrate the reopening of ASEAN tourism demonstrates its readiness to welcome international visitors back to the region in a safe and sustainable manner.

Also on this occasion, the ASEAN Secretariat announced the new logo of ASEAN tourism with the tagline "A Destination for Every Dream". The new logo was developed by the ASEAN Secretariat and the partner in charge of tourism marketing of ASEAN. The new logo has been consulted with ASEAN member countries at the meetings of the Tourism Marketing Working Group in October 2021, the ASEAN Tourism Competition Committee meeting in October 2021 and the ASEAN National Tourism Authority meeting in December 2021.

The new logo has a simple mark with complex meaning. The modern take on this expression communicates a level of forward motion and technological advancement. The sun mark is a symbol of vitality and renewal. The concept overarches all of the experiences you could dream of in Southeast Asia. Because of this, we feel it’s a good option for representing the travel experience at the highest level. This take on the sun has 10 parts coming together in harmony to represent the member states of ASEAN.

Along with new logo is new tagline “A Destination for Every Dream“ and tagline system as A Destination for Adventure, A Destination for New flavors, A Destination for Discovery, A Destination for Restoration, A Destination for Culture, A Destination for Exploration.

Tourism Information Technology Center
Tags: ATF 2022, reopening, ASEAN tourism,

The Holiday and Travel Magazine

Vietnam National Administration of Tourism

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