Saturday 5 December 2020

The Beef Is On!

Beef Australia's rich history dates back to Australia's bicentennial celebrations in 1988. Originally planned as a 'one-off' event, its success was such that the inaugural event was held again in 1991. It has since been held every three years and has grown to become the cattle industry's national exhibition, attracting over 100,000 people from across Australia and around the world.

While plans for Beef 2021 remained uncertain during majority of 2020, organisers were pleased to announce the popular event this week, following endorsement from the Queensland Chief Health Officer.

Located just 7-hours drive north of Brisbane and 3-hours drive east of Emerald, Beef 2021 welcomes visitors from far and wide, and organisers are ready to deliver a world-class experience, with strict and practical guidelines to manage all and any potential health risks.

Beef Australia Chair Bryce Camm said “We are thrilled to have our COVID Safe Event Plan formally endorsed by the Queensland Chief Health Officer. An immense level of time and work has been invested into the document, and consequently our confidence in our ability to deliver what will be the first major event in Australia since our nation has been impacted by the pandemic is resolute. However, we will remain flexible, responsive and adaptive as the COVID world evolves.”

Beef Australia Honorary Medical Officer, Dr Anthony Keating, a member of the Public Health and Safety Working Group responsible for production of the COVID Safe Plan said “All aspects and components of the week long beef expo have been carefully analysed and considered, and we are convinced of the COVID Safe Plan's robustness and compliance.

“The plan sets out in minute detail, the processes to minimise risk and manage any potential cases – while ensuring the visitor and crowd experience is social, efficient, comfortable and fun. The plan is formulated to be adaptive to any changes or unfolding requirements as defined by our State Government and public health authorities. Beef Australia can proceed confidently with the knowledge that there has been a thorough planning process” said Dr Keating.

Beef Australia plays a vital role in showcasing the Australian beef supply chain, driving global trade, attracting investment and in 2018 it generated over $85 million for the local economy.

Beef Australia CEO Ian Mill said “Beef Australia is not only vital to the Australian beef industry; it is a major economic driver for the region. In 2018 it had generated over $85 million for the local community – we are thrilled to be able to deliver this again.”

Ian Mill (CEO), Bryce Camm (Chair) and
 Claire MacTaggart (Board Member)
Beef 2021 will be a celebration of all facets of the industry and maintain a focus on facilitating new trade and export opportunities, exposing the local supply chain to industry leaders.

This unique event is so many things to different people and organisers are staying agile with their planning to ensure the producers, scientists, chefs, students, exhibitors, business people and families can all enjoy Beef Australia 2021.


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