Thursday 14 May 2020


The National COVID-19 Coordination Commission has created an online tool to help businesses develop a plan to keep workers, customers and the community safe as they reopen or increase their activities in the weeks and months ahead.

NCCC Chair Nev Power said the restrictions introduced to control the virus affected businesses differently, and everyone needed a COVIDSafe plan for when restrictions change.

“It’s been a really tough time for business owners and their employees, and it will continue to be challenging as we head into a staged recovery. We should acknowledge the tremendous efforts of employers and workers, and make sure that we’re looking after each other as we work our way through this pandemic,” Mr Power said.

“The sooner we can get businesses open and people back in work, the sooner our lives and livelihoods can be rebuilt as our economy recovers. At the same time, as restrictions change, we need to make sure that both workers and customers are safe.”

The tool brings together information from across government on the resources and assistance available to support businesses. It takes approximately 30 minutes to complete the plan, which can then be downloaded and referred to when planning practical steps such as organising supplies and updating insurance.

The plan includes links to assistance available to help businesses reopen including support with cash flow, wages, loans and signage that can be downloaded and printed for the workplace.

“One of the key things will be to maintain our discipline around physical distancing and hygiene. Our success depends on everyone – business owners, workers, customers – keeping up our practices of handwashing, social distancing, covering our sneezes and coughs, staying home if you are unwell, getting tested if you have symptoms and downloading the COVIDSafe app,” Mr Power said.

Businesses should seek advice from their local WHS authority, Safe Work Australia, or contact the Fair Work Ombudsman to ensure they meet all their legal obligations.

The tool complements the Safe Work Australia online hub, which remains the definitive source of information for businesses to understand their work health and safety obligations.

Refer to the NCCC website for more information.

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