Sunday 3 May 2020

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Updates and Resources from Tourism Nova Scotia

The Public Health Agency of Canada is leading national efforts to contain the outbreak of COVID-19 (coronavirus) and working with the World Health Organization and other international partners.

The Canadian government has temporarily closed the border for non-essential travel. Please check and for the most up to date information. Due to the uncertainty and quick moving nature of the COVID-19 crisis, please note that international travel bans published by the government may change as the situation requires. Tourism Nova Scotia will relay any change in travel restriction as soon as the information becomes available.

The Province of Nova Scotia has declared a state of emergency. Nova Scotia borders have tightened to travellers and all entry points (land, sea, air) are being closely managed. Anyone entering the province must self-isolate for 14 days. Social gatherings of more than five people are not permitted. Outside of any previously identified required closures (campgrounds, dine-in restaurants, gyms, salons, etc.) businesses may remain open if a two-meter or six-foot distance can be maintained (social distancing). Workspaces must also be cleaned and disinfected at a minimum of twice daily, or as required, and employees must follow proper hygiene.

The Province of Nova Scotia has launched an Employer Assessment Tool to help businesses and organizations understand if they should remain open and how to keep employees and customers safe. See

Public health and safety is our top concern. We are in close communication with Destination Canada, our in-market representatives, and industry partners to ensure a coordinated response to tourism impacts. We are following the lead of public health experts and making adjustments to our marketing strategies and programming as required. We are gathering information from tourism industry partners and public health officials on new developments as they relate to the tourism sector. We are committed to keeping industry and travellers updated as new information becomes available. 

Tourism Nova Scotia 
Information for travellers is available on

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