Monday 15 February 2016

Kurihama Yokosuka Poppy Festival

Kurihama Hana-no-Kuni Flower World is a park which features the theme of flowers to enable people to enjoy contact with nature which is lush and green. In Spring poppys blooms in profusion, and many people come t see the colourful flowers.

Upon its introduction to Japan in the 1800s, the poppy was named “Consort Yu’s Flower” after the legendary and tragic Chinese beauty. The delicate, blood-red petals recall Yu’s fervent, passionate love and violent suicide.

In mid-April warm breezes replace the winter chill and poppies at Kurihama Hana-no-Kuni Flower World burst into bloom, blanketing hillsides in a sea of pink and red. After the festival ends in June, visitors can cut their own poppies to take home.

Addrerss - 〒239-0832 1, Shinmeicho, Yokosuka-shi
- It is approximately 15 minutes on foot from JR Kurihama Station or Keiky� Kurihama Station
- car -  is approximately 4km from Yokohama, Yokosuka road Sahara 

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