Thursday 10 September 2015

Madam Van Thi Bach Tuyet speaks at the ITE HCMC 2015 buyer/media welcome reception

Madam Van Thi Bach Tuyet, Director of DOT HCMC and Chairwoman of ITE HCMC 2015 Organizing Committee spoke at the ITE HCMC 2015 buyer/media welcome reception on 8 September 2015 at the Grand Hotel in HCMC Vietnam.

This is what she said -

"Ladies and gentlemen,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the 2015 Ho Chi Minh City International Travel Expo, I warmly welcome your presence in our city, an attractive, friendly, and safe destination.

Ladies and gentlemen, the 11th Ho Chi Minh City International Travel Expo 2015 on the theme “Five Countries, One Destination” aims to promote each country’s tourism potential and strength, establish connection between tourist products and create a common image for the tourism of the five countries, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Myanmar. This is also a good opportunity for international travel agencies to get in touch with Vietnamese travel businesses in order to understand the local tourist market and build long-term partnerships for the sake of mutual benefits and common growth of tourism in Vietnam and the region.

Given the above-mentioned significance and together with local tourism promoters and travel agencies, it is our great honor to welcome the presence of more than 200 international travel agencies and 13 international media agencies.

Travel agencies play an important role in the development of tourism in every country as well as in the diversification of tourist products and improvement of tourist services, which is aimed at attracting an increasing number of visitors. Because of that, the presence of international travel agencies today here in Hồ Chí Minh City provides a great occasion for Vietnamese travel agencies and their international partners to seek opportunities for cooperation in accessing each other’s market, promoting each other’s products and increasing inbound and outbound travel.

When it comes to tourism promotion, we attach special importance to the role of the media in introducing the images of Vietnam and Vietnamese to international friends. Therefore, we hope that international journalists to this expo share with their readers and viewers impressive, memorable image of Vietnam and Hồ Chí Minh City.

Ladies and gentlemen, we hope to receive your support and feedback so the expo will not only grow in terms of scale and scope but also have a better quality and become more professional, thereby contributing to the promotion of local tourism and trade, attraction of foreign investment and cultural exchanges between Vietnam and world countries.

With Vietnamese warm reception and hospitality, I believe you will have a great stay in this city. When returning to your countries, you are the ones who will talk to your friends about our country and promote cultural and economic exchanges between our countries. We are very happy and ready to welcome you back to Vietnam and Hồ Chí Minh City any time. Today, all of you have had a hectic day. Right now, our reception will help you ease your tiredness and instill excitement in tomorrow’s opening ceremony of the 2015 Ho Chi Minh City International Travel Expo, which I believe will be a great success.

Once again, thank you all for your presence at this year’s expo.

Wish you good health, success and happiness. Thank you very much."

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