Thursday 25 June 2015

New Pohnpei Eco-Adventure Guides are here!

Phase three of the popular Pohnpei Eco- Adventure Map Guide Series is now complete. The expansive project, executed by media specialist and outdoor enthusiast Alex Zuccarelli with assistance from Relio Lengsi, Miller Benjamin, Allois Malfitani, Bill Jaynes, Danny Rosenkrans, Tony Martin, Peterson Anson, John Ranahan, and many others, aims to produce high-quality topographic eco-tourist maps covering every part of Pohnpei Island.

The maps are presented in colorful 20 x 18- inch folding guides that include photos and detailed information about each activity and point of interest in the featured area. Topics covered include day-hikes and overnight treks to mountaintops, caves, tunnels, waterfalls, and World War II sites; SCUBA diving and snorkeling; surfing and kiting; kayaking, canoeing, and paddleboarding; biking; birding; wrecks; ruins; and cultural sites.

A wealth of free supplementary information and downloadable maps are also found online at Zuccarelli believes that the project could serve as a first step in the process of establishing lucrative and sustainable tourism on Pohnpei that targets ecologically-conscious adventurists.

To date, nine of thirteen print guides in the series have been produced. The Sokehs Island, Lenger Island, and Temwen Vicinity guides are sold by the Pohnpei Visitors' Bureau for $1.50 each. The Madolenihmw and Western Kitti guides— distributed for free by the Australian Embassy, which also funded the next six guides in the series—will be joined by the Greater Nett & Western U; U Municipality & Northern Madolenihmw; Mainland Sokehs, and Marine Attractions guides, arriving on May 25th (or soon thereafter).

The Marine guide focuses on diving, surfing, paddling, and other ocean-based activities and features a 15 x 16-in map of Pohnpei Island and its entire reef system, as well as inset maps of all of the major barrier reef passages and the atolls of And and Pakin.

"We've included things in these guides that have never been put on a map before," says Zuccarelli. "There are even a few places that some locals may not know about. The maps provide an opportunity for both visitors and residents to learn more about the wonders of the island and its history."

Zuccarelli hopes that heightened visitor interest in Pohnpei's attractions will speak to their great worth as a local resource and encourage thoughtful action to protect and preserve both historical sites and the natural environment while simultaneously allowing them to be enjoyed responsibly.

"We would be really sad if someone decided to hack down a bunch of trees around a site mentioned on one of these maps or built a road to some location that people should have to walk to. That kind of thing is the opposite of what this project is about. Ecotourism— if done right—doesn't cause negative impact to the environment, but rather celebrates and respects it."

Businesses that have contact with tourists and expats are encouraged to visit the Australian Embassy and Pohnpei Visitors' Bureau and pick up their own copies of the guides for distribution.

The next two guides— Southern Kitti & Southern Madolenihmw — will be released in the fall. A Facebook page ( / pohnpeiadventure as recently launched for the project, which provides regular updates and links to other project materials, such as posters, t-shirts, free GPS files, and 100% cotton rag GiclĂ©e art prints.

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