Monday 2 December 2013

New Strategy to Boost Aboriginal Tourism in Victoria

Victoria’s Aboriginal Tourism Development Strategy 2013-2023 has been launched. This has been designed to grow Victoria’s share of Australia’s Aboriginal tourism market which attracts 703,000 visitors annually.

The strategy outlines a plan to facilitate the growth of Victoria’s Aboriginal tourism industry, by providing a vision to showcase the quality, diversity and accessibility of the state’s Aboriginal tourism product to a global audience.

Ms Asher, Minister for Tourism and Major Events, said the strategy, which has been developed following consultation with the state’s Aboriginal tourism industry and key stakeholders, advocated a collaborative approach that maximises opportunities for local tourism operators and offers products that appeal to international and domestic visitors.

Victoria’s Aboriginal Tourism Development Strategy 2013-2023 outlines the following key directions:

1. position Melbourne as the destination recognised as having a suite of authentic, in depth and accessible Aboriginal experiences;

2. develop and promote regional Victorian Aboriginal tourism;

3. develop and grow the industry capabilities of Aboriginal tourism businesses; and

4. market and distribute Aboriginal product and experiences to a global audience.

“The strategy contains actions to realise the potential of Victoria’s distinctive suite of Aboriginal cultural experiences, which include Worn Gundidj Visitor Centre at Tower Hill Wildlife Reserve on the Great Ocean Road; the Aboriginal Heritage Walk at Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne; and the recently opened First Peoples exhibition at Melbourne Museum, which celebrates the diversity, continuity, strength and vitality of Victoria’s Aboriginal people,” Ms Asher said.

Ms Asher said the focus on Melbourne as the gateway to regional Victoria was an essential part of promoting the state’s Aboriginal tourism product.

Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Jeanette Powell welcomed the strategy, saying that it would encourage Aboriginal economic participation, a key focus for the Coalition Government.
Mrs Powell said having a strategy that leverages Aboriginal Victoria’s strengths contributes to Victoria’s overall competitive advantage.

Ms Asher said the strategy will help to realise Victoria’s full potential as a destination of choice for Aboriginal tourism.

“The Coalition Government is committed to developing the economic and social contribution of Aboriginal tourism, as part of commitment to growing Victoria’s $19.1 billion tourism industry.”

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