Friday 9 August 2013

Visit Malta Reaches 200.000 Facebook Fans

Visit Malta has recently reached 200.000 Facebook fans on its Global Facebook page. More than 200.000 people now actively follow and engage with Visit Malta regular updates, the majority of which expressed their affinity for the Tourism Authority’s official Facebook page within the last 12 months.

The growth has been impressive as 12 months ago only 45.000 facebook users were fans of the page. As expected, the demographic reach is strong with the younger generation, with 54% of the fans being aged between 18 and 34 years. However, 44% of the page fans are within the age bracket of 35 +. It is also worth noting that 56% of the fans are female.

Visit Malta’s Global Facebook page communicates with its fans in 6 languages, in English, Italian, French, Spanish, German and Russian. Out of the 200.000 fans, less than 3% are located in Malta, which means that the MTA has developed a social tool which is truly communicating with travellers.

Commenting on this achievement MTA CEO Mr Josef Formosa Gauci said “During the past year the Malta Tourism Authority has been investing more resources so that our Islands can maximise the benefits from the largest social media platform. Facebook allows the MTA’s community managers to communicate and promote the Islands by means of images, interesting facts, event information and other important info on a daily basis. It is also a platform where we can communicate regularly with persons that are considering coming to Malta as well as offer a service whereby fans can ask questions and receive advice both from other fans and from the community managers administering our FB page. ”

He added that “The MTA recently hosted a European Blog Trip which brought together a group of influential bloggers from Malta’s European source markets over a weekend discovery of the Maltese Islands. We are thrilled that this trip has paid good dividends in enhancing our presence on the online and social media” .

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