Friday 9 August 2013

Thailand Photo Contest #2 Winners Chosen

The Tourism Authority of Thailands’s photo contest has now ended, and three winners have been chosen.

“The Beauty of Culture”
The contest with the theme, “THE MAGIC & MYSTERY OF AMAZING THALAND,” was open to any and all photographers with the goal of showing the world how beautiful, magical, mysterious and awesome Thailand can be, as seen through the lenses of different photographers.

Out of the many excellent submissions received, three were chosen for the top prizes as follow:

1st Prize of 30,000 Baht(approximately $1,000 US) went to Phumiphat Jiarajetchai for his magical photo entitled, “The Beauty of Culture”.

2nd Prize of 20,000 Baht was awarded to Petcharee Tamawong-Benjamin for her awe-inspiring image, “Pray Time”

3rd Prize of 10,000 Baht went to Dominik Bamberger for his stunning picture, “Bangkok”

The 3 winners will each receive a Photo Contest Certificate from the TAT.

All three images literally show Thailand in a fascinating – yet distinct – light, which will surely inspire and entice visitors to come and explore Thailand for themselves. It is hoped than photographers everywhere will be encouraged and motivated to take their best shots at one of the countless magical and mysterious Thai locales.

TAT wishes to thank all participants in this photo contest whose entries were truly gorgeous, many of which were worthy of honor and recognition.

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