Sunday 14 May 2023

Our History of Banwater

Clean, fresh water is an essential human requirement for health and well-being, and one of the United Nations’ sustainable development goals is access to safe water and sanitation.
This is an issue we know too well here in the remote, yet not removed, sanctuary of Banwa Private Island.

Our initial quest to find a sustainable source of safe drinking water was a complex one.

Guided by the Aquos Foundation’s fundamental purpose of protecting the island’s biodiversity, we could, and would, not import water from the mainland in plastic bottles.

Dionisio Lora, Jr, Head of Engineering and Facilities shares the history:

“In the early days, we hired geologists to locate where water deposits (aquifers) would most likely be found. They did a great job. The first aquifer was above water level; relatively shallow and consequently brackish. Ideally suited to irrigate the salt-loving grasses of the (future) short-game golf course.

When we discovered the second and third aquifers, the geologist was so confident, he drank the water straight from the well. He knew the water would be safe because the aquifers are extremely deep.

At 200 metres, by the time rainwater reaches the underground caves, it has passed through many layers of earth. The soil, sediment rock and silicon sand filter out pollutants while adding trace minerals and the sweet taste of spring water.”

Research suggests that by the time the average bottle of mineral water reaches your table, it has travelled 1,000 km. Here on Banwa Private Island, thanks to our ancient aquifers and modern micro-filtration process, there is enough zero-kilometre clean mineral Banwater to supply our thirsty guests and the hard-working team now and in the years to come.

For those who would like a little crystal healing with their Banwater, we also offer ‘VitaJuwel’ decanters at the Latitude Restaurant & Terrace Bar. Gem-infused water is said to promote health and well-being by infusing the energy of a particular crystal.

To discover more about the way of pure water on Banwa Private Island or even experience the magic of sustainably sourced mineral water for yourself, please contact the Reservations team through WhatsApp: +639178882864, send an email to, or visit

*Source: Banwa Private Island, Palawan, Philippines 

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