Thursday 2 April 2020


The Australian and NSW Governments have stepped up measures to further control the spread of the virus, advising Australians must stay at home.

Latest Government Orders instruct that people must stay at home unless undertaking essential activities being:
  • Shopping for essentials (food and necessary supplies)
  • Medical or health care needs
  • Exercise in compliance with public gathering requirements
  • Work and study if this is not possible remotely

Non-essential public gatherings are now limited to two people only, or members of a household, and this applies to indoor and outdoor activities.

As such, further public facilities and activities are either closed - playgrounds, skate parks and outdoor gyms - or restricted, such as bootcamps which can have a maximum of two people.

For the latest advice about public gatherings and self-isolation requirements, visit

NSW Health Orders advise that people must not travel to regional areas, as this is not a "reasonable excuse" for leaving the house. Anyone who does travel will be breaching Orders and may be subject to heavy penalties.

In line with this advice, NSW Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional NSW John Barilaro today called on all people to cancel non-essential travel to regional NSW towns and communities, in particular over Easter. Mr Barilaro said that metropolitan and regional residents should not visit regional NSW for a holiday, for meetings, to relocate for a longer period or to see family and friends. Read the full statement.

Tourism operators are requested to follow this advice by not promoting travel within NSW or accommodation stays until further notice. Operators who have existing bookings are encouraged to contact guests to postpone and reschedule travel and stays for another time in the future when Government advice has changed.

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