Wednesday 5 February 2020

Tourism Authority of Thailand Launches First of Its Kind Regional Social Media Brand Campaign

The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) today launched a new social media brand campaign, called “See Yourself in Thailand” across Australia and New Zealand, to place a spotlight on Thailand and its growing markets across Luxury, Gastronomy, Adventure and Nightlife in the Oceania region. The campaign will also give away a dream trip to Thailand for two people from the region.

The campaign is the first Tourism Brand in this region to launch on the social media platform Tik Tok the world's fastest-growing social media platform. The campaign will focus on a four-part mini-series, “See Yourself in Thailand” which is set to increase brand awareness among tourists from Australia and New Zealand as well as developing targeted segmented audience groups across the region.

Promoting Thailand across the media channels, it is expected to drive over 100,000 visitors to the Oceania website it finishes on 18th of September. Everyone from the region is invited to submit their details to win a dream trip to celebrate the launch, which is across all social assets Tik Tok, Facebook, Instagram and the website.

Taking a uniquely Oceania view, the stories are viewed through the eyes of Adam Rikys Founder of Bucketvision and Anna McEvoy Former Miss World Australia. The TAT campaign is intended to target key specific groups and will focus on the regions of Bangkok and Surat Thani (Ko Samui, Ko Tao, Ko Nang Yuan) TAT will profile these key destinations within the TAT portfolio. It is expected that the promotion will drive a highly engaged audience and brand awareness promotion throughout the campaign.

TAT together with leading hoteliers and restaurateurs across the Business Districts offered promotions for the programme. TAT said the Australian and New Zealand markets are very relevant for the destination segments and wanted to bring a unique story to its key targets.

Moreover, these tourists tend to spend more on gastronomy, luxury and nightlife when in country. TAT will continue to promote key destinations to the markets in the same way if it is a success this year. TAT is considering increasing the investment and working with more airlines and retailers for the next campaigns.

In 2018, Thailand welcomed a record number of tourists, 38.27 million, an increase of 7.5 percent from the previous year. It hopes to greet over 39 million foreign tourists in 2020 through targeted and focused campaigns in market.

Tourism Authority of Thailand
The Tourism Authority of Thailand Oceania Region is Headquartered in Sydney Australia and has been in operation for over 20 years. It is funded by the Government of Thailand and TAT Sydney operates as a marketing, public relations and administration branch of the Tourism Authority of Thailand, with the Head Office in Bangkok. The main objective of the Tourism Authority of Thailand is to promote the country of Thailand as a holiday destination.

Tourism Authority of Thailand, Level 20, 56 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000


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