Thursday 2 July 2015


Centennial Parklands
Centennial Parklands has a new event calendar for the winter school holidays featuring more than 50 events and activities. The winter school holiday program kicks off from June 29 with a range of fun nature and science activities for kids; another nature highlight is the birdwatcher’s breakfast with keen birdwatcher, Trevor Waller, who will take you on an early morning guided tour to meet some of the beautiful birdlife in the parklands.

You can even explore the park at night on a Spotlight Prowl, where you’ll learn how to take night-time photos.

Banksia Babies is a new event that runs throughout July where babies (aged from 9 months to 2 years) and their parents or carers can join in guided movement and songs, followed by discovery play with a nature treasure basket and sensory tubs. On August 15, Science in the Swamp is a free community event that celebrates National Science Week.

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