Thursday 7 August 2014


Two NSW chefs, Neil Perry AM and Peter Gilmore, have been named by Tourism Australia to prepare a ‘best of Australia menu’ for up to 80 of the world’s top food and wine influencers, as part of the Restaurant Australia campaign.

Tasked with creating Australia’s finest three course menu for the gala event to showcase our amazing cuisine, Perry and Gilmore will be cooking for influential food and wine writers, critics, chefs, personalities and celebrities in November.

Peter Gilmore, Executive Chef of the multi awarded Quay Restaurant in Sydney said, “This dinner is saying to the world here is Australian cuisine, we have amazing produce, diverse cultural influences and through our cooking we bring a certain spirit of openness, adventure and freedom.”

Neil Perry AM, one of Australia’s leading and most influential chefs, and co-owner of seven award-winning restaurants including Rockpool, Spice Temple and Rockpool Bar & Grill in Sydney said, “The most important message is the fact that our food is world‐class and exciting, with amazing produce and innovative ideas. What we have going for us in Australia, and what makes us unique, are the people, produce and sense of place. Hopefully that all comes together on the night.”

Restaurant Australia will see exceptional food and wine experiences from around the country playing a starring role in converting the global appetite for Australia as a travel destination into more visits, with Destination NSW working with the food and wine industry to ensure NSW is well represented and our exceptional food experiences shared.

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