Wednesday 13 May 2020


Tourism Australia will be transporting tourism offerings into the living rooms of hundreds of thousands of people via a curated live program of virtual travel experiences to inspire them to dream about their next Australian holiday.

Live From Aus will kick off domestically on Friday 15 May with a special one-hour broadcast at 7:30pm on The Project on Network Ten. ‘The Love Australia Project’ will be headlined by Australian tourism and entertainment personalities who will shine a spotlight on unique experiences across the country.

For the entire weekend of 16 and 17 May, Tourism Australia will be going live with exclusive new travel experiences, broadcasting on the hour, every hour, to a potential audience of more than 13 million from across Australia and the world.

An ongoing streaming program from 18 May will reconnect Australians with our country’s unique wildlife, landscapes, food and wine, Indigenous, arts and cultural experiences through Tourism Australia’s digital and social media channels.

Industry operators have the opportunity to get involved too:
  • Join the Facebook event, watch the program of content on Facebook or YouTube and share it with your networks using #SeeAustralia.
  • Stream your own events on your social media channels using the Live from Aus logo available to download from 16 May 2020 from
  • Let Tourism Australia know about any live streaming events your business has coming up by emailing with Live from Aus in the heading. If the content is relevant for Tourism Australia’s audiences, Tourism Australia can help promote it.
  • Submit your content ideas to be considered for Tourism Australia’s channels by emailing with Live from Aus in the heading. Read the guidelines for more information.

Tourism Australia Managing Director Phillipa Harrison said the broadcast and digital activation would help to further bring to life Tourism Australia’s With Love From Aus campaign, which has been rolling out across its social channels over the last month.

“The With Love From Aus campaign is about providing a platform for our industry operators, tourism products and experiences to continue to connect with travel lovers and give them the ideas and inspiration to explore our incredible country when borders reopen, and people can travel again,” Ms Harrison said.

Tourism Minister Simon Birmingham said that restarting the tourism industry once restrictions were eased would be crucial to Australia’s overall economic recovery from the COVID-19 crisis.

“Those able to take breaks once restrictions are eased should do so knowing they can enjoy the time of their lives while also helping to save the businesses or jobs of fellow Australians,” Minister Birmingham said.

The Live from Aus program schedule is now live on and on Facebook.

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