Saturday 2 May 2020


Being one of our valued media partners, chances are that you've been looking through old travel photos over recent weeks, thinking about indelible memories from your time in Australia or planning your next visit to share our natural wonders, characters, culture and wildlife.

We know that seeing a wild Koala, lounging in a Eucalyptus tree, is an absolute highlight for most travellers. This Sunday, we invite you to participate in Wild Koala Day; a day to celebrate Koalas living in the wild and raise awareness of the need to protect their habitat. We'd love for you to assist us by doing any of the following:
  • Share a wild Koala photo on social media and hashtag #wildkoaladay
  • Change your profile picture to a wild Koala for the day!
  • Plant a tree or volunteer with a group when it is possible. No matter where you are around the world, even if you don't live near Koala habitat, planting trees is crucial to combating climate change, a major risk to Koalas over the coming years.
If you are able to post about Wild Koala Day on social media, or blog about it, we’d be thrilled. There are images, videos and article snippets here.

The co-owner of Echidna Walkabout Nature Tours and President of Koala Clancy Foundation, Janine Duffy, first proposed the idea of a national Wild Koala Day in 2016. Since then, it’s become a huge international event and received vast media coverage - with the help of many industry partners, so thank you!

Watch footage of wild Koalas filmed by the Echidna Walkabout Nature Tours Research Team! (Please subscribe to our AWJ YouTube channel to see upcoming weekly videos)


Australian Wildlife Journeys 

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