Friday 12 May 2023

Rewilding Initiatives with Jacada Travel

Jacada Travel has introduced a range of rewilding itineraries geared to the interests and availability of guests. 

Rewilding in Brazil Rewilding Brazil looks to open guests' eyes to the wild beauty and the positive social and environmental impact of conservation and rewilding work on precious wilderness areas across Brazil. 

The 14-day Rewilding Brazil tour takes : 

 in the Amazon rainforest, with accommodation in jungle lodge in a private 28,000-hectare reserve, with opportunities for animal and bird watching, canoeing, hiking on nature trails 
 the Caiman Ecological Refuge in the Pantanal, with walking tours, canoe trips, photographic safaris on specially adapted vehicles, and wildlife viewing including for elusive jaguars with the Jaguar Habituation Team 
 to Cerrado, a vast eco-region of tropical savanna where maned wolf, is threatened with extinction, including a guided safari for up-close observation of seven monitored wolves and other species, and 
 visiting the Hyacinth Macaw Project that conserves and recuperates communities of the endangered royal blue and gold-rim-eyed Macaw

Other Jacada Travel rewilding tours include : 

Plataran Menjangan Resort and Spa West Bali National Park 

The chance to experience the untouched nature at this tranquil hideaway in Bali, while getting involved with an endemic tree planting program keyed to preserving and protecting the ecosystem. 

Bawah Marine Conservation Dive Bawa, Indonesia 

Bawah Reserve is an island in the remote Anambas Archipelago of Indonesia, with ethical marine conservation dive offers opportunity to help transplant and preserve coral for future generations or aid in clean-ups of ghost fishing nets and equipment from the reef. 

Quoll Conservation Experience Queensland, Australia 

The chance to explore protected areas and join in field surveys of the unique spotted tailed quoll, the largest apex marsupial predator in the “wet tropics,” whose conservation is integral to the biodiversity balance of fragile ecosystems of the region. 

Wildlife Conservation Experience Sydney, Australia 

With some 3,000 koalas, the Southern Highlands Koala Sanctuary is a wild habitat with the chance to learn how the wild populations are managed including koalas, kangaroos, wallabies and wallaroos.

Wilderness Bisate Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda 

The chance to visit Wilderness Bisate's tree nursery with one of the dedicated agronomists and learn about their reforestation project. 

Chem Chem Association Tarangire National Park, Tanzania 

The chance to help protect wildlife and empower local communities while helping to operate the Kwakuchinja wildlife corridor connecting Tarangire and Lake Manyara National Parks. 

Mwiba Lodge Serengeti National Park, Tanzania 

Learning the history of the Hadzabe tribe, among the last huntergatherers, who live in tune with their surroundings, leaving little trace on an area unchanged by Western civilization. 

Estancia Rincon del Socorro Ibera Wetlands, Argentina 

A place for exploring the wildlife-rich wetlands of Esteros del Iberia, this Estancia is the center of the Iberá Project, which works to protect species that make their home in the region. 

Puma Tracking Torres del Paine, Chile 

The southern tip of South America offers the mountains and icebergs of Torres del Paine and the chance to spot a puma on tracking expeditions in the wilderness. 

Jacada Travel is a provider of ‘bespoke travel experiences designed to immerse guests in authentic local culture, natural beauty, and life as it is lived in destinations through more than 70 countries across six continents’. 

A subsidiary of Wilderness Safaris, Jacada Travel offers grand tours, safaris, expeditions, culinary journeys, family adventures and positive impact trips. 

*Source: Andrea Schnoor at

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