Sunday 7 November 2021

Binh Thuan tourism in preparation for pilot resumption early

Phan Thiet, Binh Thuan. Photo internet
The situation of the Covid-19 pandemic in the country in general and Binh Thuan in particular shows signs of gradually being better controlled. The economic sectors are also finding solutions to revive their operations. At this time, the reporter of Binh Thuan Newspaper had an interview with Mr. Bui The Nhan - Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the province about the issue of reopening to welcome visitors in the next coming time.

Reporter (Q): It is known that due to the complicated situation of the Covid-19 epidemic, Binh Thuan tourism has had to stop receiving guests in the past few months. Can you assess the impact of this outbreak on the local tourism industry?

Mr. Bui The Nhan (A): The impact of this epidemic on Binh Thuan's tourism industry is huge, about 80-90% of accommodation establishments are temporarily closed. A few establishments try to repair and renovate the landscape, invest in upgrading equipment, maintain operations to serve available customers, and create jobs for workers. However, those running accommodation establishments hardly receive guests, they are just maintaining the destination image and serving long-term guests.

Currently, tourism facilities and services are under pressure from many sides, which is the cost of keeping employees to maintain facilities, building the system, management costs, financial subsidies for employees who can not go to work, expenses for Covid-19 epidemic prevention and control. Or such as interest rates on bank loans, costs of land, ground, electricity, and water taxes, especially annual fees according to the current of the State regulations such as Social insurance, health care, trade union... Therefore, establishments face many financial difficulties, outstanding tax debts, and slow payment ability.

Moreover, due to the impact of epidemic, travel business activities in the province have almost stopped working since February 2020. Currently, travel businesses are applying to withdraw their operating licenses, withdraw deposits from banks to stabilize life temporarily. At tourist attractions, they also close as soon as the epidemic breaks out, then open to welcome guests with the implementation of epidemic prevention and control. Despite lacking visitors and facing many difficulties, the units still tried their best to pay employees' salaries and maintain the landscape.

Q: Currently, several provinces and cities in the country are considering bringing tourism back to work in a new normal state. How about the Binh Thuan tourism industry?

A: Binh Thuan is creating a plan to bring tourism back to operation in a new normal state. Specifically, promoting the development of a plan "Welcoming domestic tourists and foreigners living and working in Vietnam to Binh Thuan during the period of preventing and controlling the Covid-19 epidemic". The aim is to gradually restore the domestic tourist market and the operation of the Binh Thuan tourism industry, related economic and service industries, ensure social security in the locality. Since then, promoting the image and affirming the brand of Binh Thuan - A safe and attractive destination, and at the same time contributing to solving difficulties for businesses and employees during the Covid-19 epidemic.

It is expected Binh Thuan tourism will reopen the gate to welcome guests starting from October 20th to December 25th, 2021. It is acceptable to hotels with 3 - 5 star (or equivalent) recognition decisions, travel services, attractions that meet safety criteria recognized by the Provincial People's Committee. The pilot implementation areas are mainly located in Phan Thiet city. Especially in districts and towns, actual local conditions can be considered for the pilot resumption. After a period of pilot implementation, the sector will review and evaluate for further consideration, continue to expand to eligible units and establishments in the province.

Q: For the re-operation is sensible to local conditions, what do businesses in the tourism and services field need to support first?

A: In this regard, the department has advised the Provincial People's Committee to organize the first phase of Covid-19 vaccination for 2,900 workers directly in the tourism industry, providing support for tour guides. The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism also proposed to reduce taxes, reduce 80% of the deposit for travel businesses and reduce electricity and land tax for accommodations and resorts, postpone payments annual fee according to current regulations of the State such as social insurance, health insurance, trade union. From there, preparing for the pilot plan "Welcoming domestic tourists and foreigners living and working in Vietnam to Binh Thuan while preventing and controlling the Covid-19 epidemic".

However, numerous huge difficulties that tourism has to deal with, there are many "bottlenecks" need the attention and direction of the Party, State, National Assembly, Government as well as the community's cooperation to remove. Thereby contributing to the recovery and sustainable development of tourism, becoming a spearhead economic sector in the spirit of Resolution 08 of the Politburo...

Q: The challenges from the pandemic is believed very unpredictable, according to you, how should Binh Thuan tourism prepare to cope in the near future and contribute to maintaining stable operations for the key economic sector of the province?

A: Due to the complicated developments of Covid-19, recently Binh Thuan has focused on epidemic prevention and control, so it has temporarily postponed tourism promotion and advertising programs in the provinces. Instead, the locality innovates its communication methods, builds local promotion programs towards the domestic market, introduces tourism strengths, "specialties", cultural and historical relics, famous tourist attractions, scenic spots, cultural values, etc of localities in the province. At the same time, three survey and communication tours were organized in Tuy Phong, Bac Binh, Phan Thiet and Ham Thuan Nam, thereby accurately assessing the potential, strengths, tourism products and services of each locality. This is an activity in the series of promotion programs for Binh Thuan tourism in 2021 to enhance the introduction, promotion as well as connecting tours, routes and building tourism products to welcome visitors in the future. next.

The industry then stepped up tourism promotion and promotion and focused on implementing domestic tourism stimulus programs, especially the program “Oh Wow! Mui Ne", actively coordinate with media to introduce the image of Binh Thuan destination "Safety - Friendly - Quality". Implement market research, assess the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic on tourism demand and trends in the coming time, and identify potential markets to have strategies to promote and advertise revenue to attract visitors effectively. Along with that, coordinate with tour operators to survey, build and develop novel, attractive and unique products and tours such as green tours, ecotourism in harmony with nature, tourism. sports, etc. On the other hand, the application of science and technology, improving the state management of tourism, strengthening environmental management, ensuring security, order and safety for tourists.

In the long term, in my opinion, it is necessary to continue investing in the development of infrastructure, technical facilities for tourism as well as human resource development, diversifying the tourist market. In which, focus on developing tourism products based on 4 main themes: Sea tourism and entertainment; Adventure tourism and sports; Healthcare and resort tourism; The combination of tourism and resort - MICE...

Thank you Sir!

According to Mr. Bui The Nhan - Director of Binh Thuan Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, in order to pilot the gate opening to welcome visitors, it is also necessary to meet mandatory conditions, including developing and implementing a set of criteria to evaluate the level of the safety of epidemic prevention and control. Deploying a full dose of vaccine for all employees at hotels and attractions participating in providing services to ensure safety when welcoming and serving travellers. Besides fully instructing the regulations on epidemic prevention and control for units and attractions in the program, building a shuttle route is necessary for the safety of citizens and visitors ensuring.
Source: Binh Thuan Onlines
Tags: Binh Thuan tourism, pilot, resumption,

The Holiday and Travel Magazine

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