Monday 12 October 2020

Upper Hunter Local Voices in COVID Survey

Local Voices is a unique community engagement program developed within CSIRO. BHP has engaged us to provide communities neighbouring its operations with the opportunity to express their views and experiences.

We are all in this together
In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic started having significant effects on our lives. To this end, in April-May and June 2020, a series of COVID-19 ‘pulse’ themes were developed to help BHP, government, and others know how the community is feeling, and to help these groups coordinate how best to support you and your community. Your experiences and views are helping to shape the way BHP responds to and supports your local community during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Local Voices is vital right now to get a good understanding of how experiences are changing as the response to COVID-19 moves through different stages.

The level of concern for a range of potential impacts associated with COVID-19 (proportion of the community who 4/agree and 5/strongly agree) was recorded in each location during the April-May ‘pulse’ survey. We were then able to explore how the intensity of sentiment (proportion of the community who 5/strongly agree) has changed between April and June 2020 for each location.

Our COVID-19 'pulse' surveys from April through to June asked how you and your community were feeling. Explore the results and how community sentiment is changing:


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