Monday 12 October 2020


Summer is coming and outdoor spaces are being opened up for alfresco drinking and dining just in time for the warmer weather with the NSW Government slashing red tape to allow quicker approval times for venues.

Minister for Customer Service Victor Dominello said government agencies are getting the “Alfresco Job” done, allowing the new measures to be rolled out first in The Rocks from 16 October and in the city from 1 November for a 12-month pilot.

“We’re working with City of Sydney and Place Management NSW, the landowner for The Rocks, to condense what was previously a three-month process involving multiple agencies, into a single application that takes a week,” Mr Dominello said.

“An amendment to the Liquor Regulation will also allow expanded liquor licence boundaries to be approved in as little as three days – a process that previously took up to 51 days.”

Minister for Planning and Public Spaces Rob Stokes said cafés, bars, restaurants and hotels will be able to apply for an outdoor dining licence without needing to get a planning approval, making things easier for business owners.

“The pandemic has had a devastating effect on the hospitality industry so this solution will not only keep our communities safer, but draw people back into the city so we can support local business and boost the economy,” Mr Stokes said.

Consultation is now open for feedback on the proposed changes to the State Environmental Planning Policies (SEPP) codes to allow pubs, small bars and cultural venues with a food or drink outlet to participate in the outdoor dining trial in the City of Sydney.


Destination NSW

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