Saturday 17 January 2015

Visit Scotland – Sky’s The Limit

‘Welcoming’, ‘beautiful’, ‘home’ or ‘fandabbydozy’ – what word best describes Scotland for you? That’s the question being posed to people across the country.

After what has been an unprecedented year for the tourism industry, an invitation has been issued to the nation to tweet their #onewordscotland.

It’s part of a campaign by leading figures in the Scottish tourism industry to create a giant word cloud and raise awareness of the importance of the tourism industry to Scotland’s wider visitor economy. Organisers hope it will act as a subtle and fun reminder that tourism in Scotland is everyone’s business.

Starting on today 1 January 2015, Scots and visitors, will be invited to tweet the word they believe encapsulates what Scotland means to them. The chosen word should be followed by #onewordScotland.

Since October, when the Tourism Minister Fergus Ewing was invited to put the first word into the cloud at the Scottish Tourism Alliance October Conference, hundreds of delegates and guests from various events, including the regional Scottish Thistle Awards finals, have been submitting their suggestions. Currently ‘welcoming’ has emerged as the most popular choice.

2014 has been a unique year for Scottish tourism with confidence within the industry high. However, it is recognised by all that to really capitalise on the success of 2014 it is important to continue shouting about and promoting Scotland to the world.

Marc Crothall CEO of the Scottish Tourism Alliance said: “The world is becoming an increasingly small place and there are many more places to visit so to ensure Scotland becomes that destination of choice our collective promotional voice has to be even louder in 2015

“Following the success of 2014 there is a real feel-good factor, not just within the industry, but also among the people of Scotland. We wanted to create something that harnesses that enthusiasm and turns it into a lasting physical representation of what is so great about Scotland.

“As tourism is everyone’s business we felt it was only fitting to extend the invite to everyone across the country including those visiting for New Year .So we’re asking people to kick off 2015 by tweeting #onewordscotland with the term or description they feel perfectly sums up what Scotland means to them.”

All tweets under the #onewordscotland will be included in a word cloud set to be revealed as part of the Signature Programme held during Scottish Tourism Week 2015 on 4th March.

The #onewordscotland word cloud will be supported by VisitScotland, the Scottish Tourism Alliance, Scotland Food and Drink and the Scottish Licensed Trade Association, as well as tourism businesses and organisations across the country.

The Signature programme, includes the National Tourism Conference titled STA TV, the Scottish Thistle Awards Finals, ScotHot, the Scottish Culinary Championships, the Scottish Licenced Trade Association and Scotland Food & Drink AGM’s. The programme will see in excess of 10,000 professionals from the Scottish tourism industry descend on Glasgow to attend one or more of the six Signature events, to network and hear from influential speakers.

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