Sunday 16 June 2024

Saved up all your money for the big Euro / Japan trip? Don’t waste it confined to a hotel room with the cold or flu blues

With Aussies flocking overseas for long planned trips - would you be interested in new research findings from FESS® that show nearly two thirds of Aussies (63%) have travelled with a cold or flu, almost half (48%) have been seated next to a person with cold or flu, and over a quarter (27%) have wasted up to 5 precious days sitting in their hotel or other accommodation!

Meet Erica D'Souza, who had one such experience
  • Erica travelled from Vancouver to Toronto and was stuck in between an armrest hog and a cold-infested (sneezy-nose-blowing) passenger.
  • She was very grossed out and didn't sleep a wink on her overnight trip.
  • Poor Erica ended up sick, and despite her best efforts of distancing and handwashing etc, passed the sickness onto an immunocompromised family member, resulting in Erica feeling sick and guilt-ridden on her holiday.

Dr Brad McKay, an experienced medical practitioner with special interest in preventative health care and wellness has shared his top travel tips for Aussies and their families to avoid the cold or flu travel blues.
  • BE PREPARED: organise all your trusted health products before you travel (saline nasal spray, lubricating eye drops, pain relief, oral rehydration solution, moisturiser, anti-nausea, anti-diarrhoea, and fibre supplements
  • NOSE CARE: Use a saline nasal spray before take-off, during flight and just before landing to assist in relieving sinus pressure, nasal congestion and painful ears
  • BE MINDFUL: If travelling with a cold or flu, regularly rinse your nose with saline nasal spray, wear a mask and use hand sanitiser
  • HYDRATE: Drink plenty of water when in the air and regularly use nasal sprays, eye drops and moisturiser to be keep you feeling fresh on arrival

Additional research findings:Nearly half (45%) of Aussies admit they would sit quietly and politely next to a sneezy nose-blowing passenger just hoping they don’t get sick
Nearly a third (32%) admit to getting up and walking around to avoid said sneezy nose-blowing passenger
Nearly half (48%) prefer to sit next to a family of noisy children for hours than next to a sick passenger

Aussie top 5 travel Tips:
  • Two thirds (67%) of Aussies deem the sneezy nose-blowing passenger as their greatest travel ick
  • Nearly half (45%) are turned off by the armrest hog
  • Nearly a quarter (24%) can’t deal with the person standing as soon as the seatbelt sign turns off
  • The next door neighbour making small talk (22%) is the next travel turn off, followed by
  • The person who claps when the plane lands (19%)

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