Monday 18 December 2023

Canadian Tourism Beats Pre-Pandemic Levels Earlier than Expected and Sees Huge Potential Ahead 

Destination Canada released its latest Tourism Outlook: Unlocking Opportunities for the Sector, showing total tourism revenue is set to exceed 2019 levels, generating $109.5 billion by the end of 2023. This represents the recovery of the tourism sector from the COVID-19 pandemic, one year earlier than projected. While this is positive news, it is important to recognize that recovery both geographically and across sub sectors has been uneven. The challenge ahead is creating profitable growth for tourism businesses given their current debt loads and inflationary pressures.

The report outlines that there is an opportunity for the tourism sector’s growth trajectory to reach $160 billion in revenue by 2030, but capacity constraints are limiting the sector from achieving its full potential. A transformational path must be embraced. Without change, tourism will move forward along its long-term trajectory where constraints will limit its potential to $140 billion, which when adjusted for inflation, shows no real growth. 

​ Key Report Highlights:   
  • Tourism revenue will exceed pre-pandemic levels in 2023: Amid inflationary headwinds, tourism spending will exceed pre-COVID-19 levels in 2023, reaching $109.5 billion. Domestic activity has led revenue recovery and is on track to reach 104% of 2019 levels by the end of 2023.  
  • Opportunities constrained by capacity​: As we look to 2024 and beyond, opportunities for growth prevail but challenges persist as we enter a fiercely competitive global marketplace where we are all vying to attract travellers. ​Demand for travel is projected to grow by 30% by 2030 and will outpace our capacity to host in peak seasons, limiting Canada's growth potential.  
  • $160 billion Potential: The report identifies a $160 billion revenue potential for the tourism industry by 2030, but only if a transformational path is taken that addresses constraints and shifts demand to change how growth occurs. 
  • Closing the $20 billion opportunity gap: Destination Canada proposes a transformative path to secure an additional $20 billion in annual revenue by 2030, driving real prosperity for tourism businesses across the country and contributing a 14% increase in GDP generated by tourism, 84,000 more jobs and $5.3 billion more in tax revenue for all levels of Government.  
  • Transformational path: Industry transformation will close the $20 billion opportunity gap but it will require sector-wide collaboration on seven key levers: revenue and yield growth, brand leadership, investment, access, workforce and digital readiness, environmental sustainability and support from Canadians. 

Read more in our full press release here

Download the full report
* Destination Canada

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