Friday 13 October 2023


A poll at the NSW Visitor Economy Forum – Building Momentum to 2030 found 69 per cent of attendees agreed Artificial Intelligence (AI) was changing the way the world does business.

Kaye and Fell highlighted the role AI can play in addressing staffing issues.

They said Australian Bureau of Statistics data showed the food and accommodation sectors are experiencing some of the highest staff shortages in Australia.

Kaye offered practical examples of how AI can help businesses, such as undertaking time-consuming, repetitive tasks and research, giving staff more time to focus on customer-facing tasks.

He said that AI would make it easier to communicate with customers and noted, for example, that six million Australians speak a language other than English at home, as do many inbound visitors.

"AI brings the ability to translate information about your visitor experiences in multiple languages in real time, easily and accurately," Kaye said. "Using it can help you reach a much broader constituency."

Fell said it was important for visitor economy stakeholders to refocus their businesses and organisations following the pandemic and not simply resume doing things the way they had always done them.

"Reimagine the new rather than just rebuild the old," she said. "The strength of an industry comes from its stories and traditions, but the future of an industry rests in its relevance and innovation."

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