Friday 4 August 2023

Thua Thien Hue: Accelerating effective and sustainable tourism development

Tourists come to visit the monuments in Hue
Reviving and developing the tourism industry has a focus and focus, with the motto "Special products - Professional services - Convenient and simple procedures - Competitive prices - Clean and beautiful hygienic environment - A safe, civilized and friendly destination” is the policy of Thua Thien Hue province. To create efficiency, the tourism industry and related units need to focus on many key tasks.

Focus on 7 missions

Hue tourism has returned to growth momentum after being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Figures of tourism in the first 6 months of the year, with the number of tourists reaching more than 1.6 million arrivals; total revenue from tourism in 6 months is estimated at nearly 3,500 billion VND, up 148% over the same period in 2022 which is a good figure. But before the goal of 2025, the tourism industry initially becomes a spearhead economic sector, attracting a large number of people to participate, creating a driving force to promote the development of other economic sectors and fields. must do in the near future.

Recently, the Provincial People's Committee issued the Plan 243/KH-UBND (July 3, 2023) to implement the Government's Resolution No. 82/NQ-CP dated May 18, 2023 on the main tasks and solutions. accelerate the recovery and accelerate the effective and sustainable tourism development in the province. According to a representative of the provincial People's Committee, one of the goals is to restore and develop the tourism industry with a focus and focus, with the motto "Special products - Professional services - Convenient procedures, simple - Competitive price - Clean and beautiful hygienic environment - Safe, civilized, friendly destination"; promote the image and affirm the tourism brand of Thua Thien Hue: "Hue - The old capital with a new experience".

Mr. Nguyen Van Phuc, Director of the Department of Tourism, said that the Provincial People's Committee has set out 7 key tasks. One of the top tasks is promoting the restructuring of the tourism industry towards professionalism, modernity, quality and sustainability. The Provincial People's Committee has assigned the Department of Tourism to continue to focus on implementing the project to develop tourism into a spearhead economic sector, in which special attention is paid to the restructuring of the tourist market. Diversifying and effectively exploiting the large international tourist source market, focusing on markets with high affordability, long-term resorts, developing customer segments according to thematic products that Vietnam has strengths. At the same time, strengthen research, grasp new tourism trends and make timely and appropriate policies...

Departments, departments and sectors will also work closely with the Department of Tourism to restructure tourism activities in line with the province's potentials and advantages, respond to global trends and adapt to fluctuations. of the world economy; propose innovation of breakthrough mechanisms and policies to mobilize resources, restructure the tourism industry to achieve feasible and effective goals of tourism recovery and development.

According to the representative of Thua Thien Hue Department of Tourism, 6 other tasks are also very important, which are: Continue to create favorable conditions to attract international tourists to Thua Thien Hue; increase attraction of investment in tourism development with focus, focus, focus on tourist areas; product development and communication, tourism promotion and promotion; supporting tourism business enterprises; improve the quality of training, foster human resources and accelerate the implementation of digital transformation, promote entrepreneurship and innovation in the field of tourism.

Attract investment, develop tourism

Along with the solutions being implemented, the issue of attracting investment and developing tourism is of great importance, requiring the participation and cooperation of relevant departments, agencies and units.

According to the representative of Thua Thien Hue Department of Tourism, the unit will coordinate to complete the tourism component in the provincial planning period 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2050; give priority to investment in the driving force, Chan May - Lang Co area to become a national tourist area; organize the implementation of thematic programs and projects to promote the development of the night economy and the sharing economy in tourism activities. In addition, the Department of Transport will focus on upgrading the hubs connecting air with roads and seaways and investing in upgrading airports and ports. Effectively implement public investment projects in infrastructure; upgrade transport infrastructure to ensure the means of access to tourist areas and key tourist areas of the locality.

Currently, the Department of Planning and Investment is studying and proposing solutions to promote public-private cooperation, mobilizing domestic and international social resources to invest in the development of facilities and infrastructure. tourism, improving competitiveness in terms of logistics costs and human resources; solutions to overcome difficulties for entertainment and tourism projects, large hotel complexes in the province...

International visitors come to visit and travel in Hue
The role of localities in attracting investment and development also needs to be more active. In particular, the People's Committees of districts, towns and Hue city need to promote investment attraction, form and connect a number of driving force areas for tourism development with quality, scale, promotion and spread of benefits. benefits and value of tourism. In addition, localities must actively and effectively participate in inter-local and inter-regional cooperation and linkages to promote tourism development. Create favorable conditions for tourism businesses to build and develop new products. Simplify administrative processes and procedures to facilitate tourism promotion.

* Post, photo: Huu Phuc
Thua Thien Hue Newspaper Online -
Key word: #Hue, #Thua Thien Hue tourism, # tourism development,

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