Sunday 20 August 2023


A new geotrail experience has been launched to help visitors explore Mutawintji National Park. Important to Aboriginal people for thousands of years, the area preserves numerous art and cultural sites, while its landscape is a haven for diverse plants and animals. 

The project follows the launch of geotrails in the Warrumbungles, Newcastle and Port Macquarie. It was delivered by the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, with the guidance of Mutawintji Board of Management, Mutawintji Local Aboriginal Land Council, local Aboriginal elders and members of the wider community.

Mutawintji National Park Geotrail in far west NSW follows existing walking tracks to explore the park’s ancient geology and Aboriginal cultural significance.

Exploring the park with the NSW GeoTours app, you will be lead back through time as you see rock formations of Devonian age, rock art and fossils revealing evidence of life up to 500 million years ago.

Mutawintji National Park Geotrail provides an engaging learning experience for those of all ages, making it an ideal location for tourists, locals and educational excursions.

This project was delivered in partnership with NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, and with guidance from the Mutawintji Board of Management, Mutawintji Local Aboriginal Land Council, local Aboriginal elders, and members of the wider community.

To find out more about this exciting experience, watch the Mutawintji National Park Geotrail video:


* Destination NSW

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