Tuesday 15 August 2023

Exodus Travels : in eDNA sample collection in Costa Rica

Exodus Travels has launched a collection of Citizen Science departures as part of its NatureMetrics partnership. 

These will enable guests to take part in eDNA sample collection on its trips to Costa Rica and other destinations throughout the world.

In Costa Rica, those participating will take water samples from the Piedras Blancas National Park and Savegre Cloud Forest that will play a vital role in building the eBioAtlas. 

This is a joint initiative of IUCN and NatureMetrics, which monitors the unrivalled biodiversity of Costa Rica’s rainforests and cloud forests. 

Every guest on a Citizen Science departure will receive a report from NatureMetrics outlining the species that have been within the vicinity of where the water samples were taken. 

Costa Rica has proportionately more protected land than any other country, with conservation efforts paramount to this success. 

On the tour, wildlife sightings of howler monkeys, caiman, toucans, and sloths are all likely. Guests will also visit the waterways of Tortuguero, an important nesting site for green turtles.

www.exodus.co.uk/trips/costarica-holidays/wildlife/discovercosta-rica/wuc#overview The Latin American Travel Association is represented by Lotus. 

 Katie Cosstick at katie@wearelotus.co.uk

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