Monday 5 June 2023

Hai Duong preserves, embellishes and restores Ngu Dai pagoda and Huyen Thien pagoda

A corner of Ngu Dai pagoda in Chi Linh city (Hai Duong)
On the afternoon of May 19, in Chi Linh city (Hai Duong), a scientific conference on plans to preserve, embellish and restore Ngu Dai pagoda and Huyen Thien pagoda was held to clarify more historical and cultural values. , the science of two ancient temples.

Scientific conference on plans to preserve, embellish and restore Ngu Dai and Huyen Thien pagodas

Ngu Dai Pagoda in Hoang Tien Ward (Chi Linh), based on the results of archaeological excavations in 2019-2020, discovered foundations and artifacts from the Tran Dynasty (13th and 14th centuries), and the Later Le Dynasty (17th century). , 18) and lasted until the Nguyen Dynasty (19th and 20th centuries); is a great fairy-tale place with an important position of the Truc Lam Zen sect of Buddhism.

Huyen Thien pagoda in Van An ward (Chi Linh), also known as Van Tien ancient cave, Legend has it that Huyen Van lay people, Chi Linh people came here to practice elixir of life.

In the Tran Dynasty, Huyen Thien Pagoda was a fairy-tale place, where Truc Lam Tam To and famous people such as Tran Nguyen Dan, Nguyen Phi Khanh, Tran Thanh Tong, Nguyen Binh Khiem were kept.

Discussions at the Conference focused on two main themes.

The first topic is the historical and cultural value of the relics of Ngu Dai pagoda and Huyen Thien pagoda on the land of the masters of Chi Linh; on historical-cultural values ​​expressed through historical sources; on the history of formation and development associated with Truc Lam Zen Buddhism; about the architectural evolution of the monument through historical periods of Tran-Le-Nguyen; on the value of relics from the perspective of religion and belief.

The second topic is preserving and promoting the cultural heritage value of Ngu Dai pagoda and Huyen Thien pagoda with many opinions proposing measures to preserve and promote the value of cultural heritage.

In which, there are suggestions to propose contents that are oriented to preserving and promoting the value of 2 relics; There are ideas to propose the contents of preserving and promoting the value of the two relics in a specific way directly into the plan of embellishing and restoring the monuments.

Some presentations proposed solutions to develop tourism potential at the two monuments, contributing to the socio-economic development of the locality...

In general, the panelists agreed that the historical-cultural values ​​of Ngu Dai Pagoda and Huyen Thien Pagoda are very large and authentic, especially for understanding the formation and development of the pagoda. of Truc Lam Zen sect in particular and national history-culture in general.

On that basis, propose measures to embellish, restore and promote the value of cultural and religious heritages of the relics of Ngu Dai pagoda and Huyen Thien pagoda commensurate with the scale and value of the relics that once existed. in history.

On that basis, further promote the cultural heritage value of Hai Duong province, and at the same time create specific tourism products, contributing to socio-economic development in the province.

*Writer: Quoc Vinh
*Source: Nhan Dan electronic newspaper - - Posted on 19/5/2023
*Key word: Hai Duong,scientific seminar,Ngu Dai Temple,Huyen Thien pagoda,

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