Saturday 3 June 2023

AFTA's Board elections, new Constitution and Annual Report

The Australian Federation of Travel Agents (AFTA) has released its new Constitution for approval by members.

The Board has unanimously approved the updated Constitution, which Members will vote on at the AGM on 21 June 2023, and all full members will be asked to vote.

AFTA’s Annual Report has also been released which details the highly successful year for the organisation as it worked to ensure ATAS is fit for purpose for agents, tour operators and wholesalers, and continued to advocate for members and their clients.

AFTA also announced the results of the Board election. All six nominees were successful:
  • Christian Hunter
  • Laura Ruffles
  • Cinzia Burnes
  • Danielle Russom
  • Shelley Beasley
  • Graham Turner

Quotes from Australian Federation of Travel Agents (AFTA) CEO Dean Long:

“When we commenced the consultation on the draft constitution, the Board undertook a detailed review of what the Sector needs from its peak body. The feedback was extremely positive and there was universal agreement that our approach was the right balance for members and a significant positive step forward.”

“This Constitution, a critical milestone in our 65 year history, is now being put to Members for voting on 21 June at our AGM. The Board is united in their ask of Members to vote Yes to the updated document.”

“Our Annual Report shows that the past 12 months have again been incredibly successful. We worked to ensure ATAS was fit for purpose for agents, tour operators and wholesalers. We kept our advocacy program focused on delivering meaningful outcomes for our members and their clients.”

“For the first time in over 10 years, ‘travel consultants’ was added back onto the Federal skills list, a critical first step to increasing the number of people who can work in our Sector. We also held two high impact events - NTIA and the inaugural Women in Travel Sumit which allowed AFTA to engage deeply with our members across all industry segments.”

“As the CEO of AFTA, I am proud of our accomplishments and the role AFTA plays in supporting our members and the Sector. This year, we have undertaken reform projects to renew our focus on fostering our Sectors’ growth through working together, and to continue positioning AFTA as the leading force for the travel Sector.”

“Congratulations to our elected Directors. I want to thank the Board for their continued commitment and leadership over the last 12 months. The projects and work undertaken this year have been significant and will ensure AFTA remains a key driver of growth and unity within our industry.”

*Source: LJ Loch,

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