Sunday 7 May 2023

James Hart Dyke MONT BLANC: The Summit Paintings

  • Cromwell Place, London 
  • 27 September to 8 October 2023 

As the leading mountain painter of his generation, Hart Dyke was accompanied by a retinue of guides, a cameraman and climbers as he ascended the Grands Mulets Route on a mission two years in the planning. 

Hart Dyke’s emulated, as closely as possible, the conditions under which Gabriel Loppé (1825-1913), the French painter of the Alps, created his pair of summit paintings at sunset in August 1873. 

James was able to spend nearly two hours on the summit and paint two pictures in situ. 

An exhibition of his work at Cromwell Place will show around forty paintings and sketches from the adventure, including ones made during the climb itself, alongside the two painted by Gabriel Loppé 150 years ago at the same time of day. 

*Source: Tracy Jones at

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