Friday 3 February 2023

Yokote Kamakura Snow Festival

kamakura (igloo-like snow huts 
@tohokutourism on Instagram
Drink amazake (sweet rice drink) and snack on mochi (rice cakes) inside illuminated snow huts.

The 450-year old Yokote Kamakura Snow Festival in Akita Prefecture is held each year on the 15th and 16th of February. 

Around 80 kamakura (igloo-like snow huts) and countless mini kamakura are illuminated, creating a magical winter wonderland. 

The main festival area is along the roadside park from Yokote City Hall in Yokote City and near Yokote Castle.

From Tokyo Station, take the Akita Shinkansen to Omagari Station. Then transfer to the Ou Line to Yokote Station.


Japan National Tourism Organization

The Holiday and Travel Magazine

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