Sunday 5 February 2023

ICC Sydney’s Legacy Program drives connection with Australia’s First Nations

ICC Sydney’s Legacy Program was designed to help deliver an impact and contribute to the intellectual, social and cultural capital of Sydney, long after the conclusion of an event.

As the first Australian convention centre to launch a Reconciliation Action Plan in 2018 and with its second underway, ICC Sydney’s team is also committed to celebrating the cultures and traditions of Australia’s First Nations within the events it hosts. By activating ICC Sydney’s Legacy Program, event organisers can engage and connect with Australia’s First Nations people and culture.

Indigenous Australians are the world’s oldest living culture and have occupied the island nation for over 65,000 years. It’s a long and proud history which visitors to ICC Sydney are encouraged to engage with. Through partnerships with the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council, KARI and Supply Nation among other groups, ICC Sydney connects event organisers with a range of First Nations businesses and community organisations to incorporate an authentic Welcome to Country, arranging Darling Harbour precinct tours with respected First Nations Elders and working with artists and cultural performers.

Connect with Australia’s First Nations community through ICC Sydney’s Legacy Program.

To find out more about ICC Sydney, contact: | +61 2 9215 7100

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